Art Gallery

"Exploring the marshes under the stars" work by sarah chokali.

"Exploring the marshes under the stars" work by sarah chokali.

poems on the wall by the artist Sadik kwaish, explores the history of the Ahwari migration.

poems on the wall by the artist Sadik kwaish, explores the history of the Ahwari migration.

painting by the Iraqi Artist Aziz aldahar called "Ishan" as it depicts the legendary story of "Ishan Hafez".

painting by the Iraqi Artist Aziz aldahar called "Ishan" as it depicts the legendary story of "Ishan Hafez".

Portrait of an Ahwari woman (1871) by Frederick Goodall.

Portrait of an Ahwari woman (1871)
by Frederick Goodall.

Ahwaris by Hussein Adil.

Ahwaris by Hussein Adil.

Motherhood' (1976) by Mahood Ahmed is in the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow. The State Museum of Oriental Art.

Motherhood' (1976) by Mahood Ahmed is in the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow. The State Museum of Oriental Art.

”Emigration” 100.100 oil on canvas 2021

”Emigration” 100.100 oil on canvas 2021